Let’s go fly a kite….Up to the highest heights….
It’s time to soar above your business and take a look at the big picture. Zoom out on your business and layout the schematics for your master plan. Allow yourself to dream – big!
Building a business can be like a puzzle but if you’re not careful it can feel like – and look like – you are building it blindfolded. Imagine if you were trying to put a puzzle together without the picture? The pieces wouldn’t make sense. They wouldn’t get put into the right places – and ultimately you would take it apart and put it back together over and over again.
You need to compile all the ‘what ifs’ and all the possibilities and create a mind map of your incredible journey.
Sometimes we get so busy with the day to day details of running our business that we forget to dream. We have a set pattern we follow, fires to put out and when it gets right down to it, a business to run. This is what business is about. And if you are a business owner you are continually in the heart of it.
Yet having that big picture – the ultimate dream, is something you need to visit from time to time. Regardless of what type of business you have there are always different avenues you could be adding to your business. You could become an author, you could create an online course, you could become a speaker, you could give seminars, you could develop a complimentary line of products to go with your services, you could have retreats, and the list goes on.
Have a big dream – and visit it from time to time. Soar up into the clouds and look down on the dream. Give it the 50 ft view. And when you look close you will see the red pin: “You are here”